Wednesday, January 12, 2011

For the Birds...

... all 5,000 of them. Whether it was due to fireworks, an alien spacecraft, a surplus of pellet guns sold or plain old wrath of God, thanks to the 'Aflockalypse' birds are so 'in' right now. Here are some of my favorite bird-themed finds.

Flock of bright, wool felt bird ornaments by Roost, at Box Turtle  

Love Nest Hand-Printed Letterpress Poster by Roll and Tumble Press on Etsy

Beebe = Death to Birds T-shirt by Rock City Outfitters/

Bird Mother's Necklace by Figs and Ginger at Box Turtle

Or, if you are crafty, grab some feathers, a barrette and a hot glue gun and DIY


  1. Cute! I have the LOVE NEST print! xo.

  2. Bird is the word, Bowers!

    I have feathers, barrettes, a glue gun, AND craft!

    I need that shirt
