Monday, January 3, 2011

For People Who Say Things Like "Hog Nation"

As a Razorback fan that is still trying to figure out when to scream "First Down" (I'm learning!), but loves the game just the same for its ability to provide a setting where overflowing drinks, pork-based foods and festive attire are not frowned upon, but required, I present a short list of my favorite spirit-inducing finds of the season. Go Hogs!

 "I Heart Arkansas" sweatshirt by Erin Lorenzen, at Box Turtle in Little Rock

Ribs, pork sandwich, BBQ nachos, potato salad ... anything from Whole Hog Cafe

 Razorback stamped necklaces by Robinson Lane Designs,

A growler full of delicious Razor Bock beer from Vino's in Little Rock

 Razorback Dominoes from Arkansas Flag and Banner are a half time necessity


  1. NICE! don't forget: Rock City Outfitters!

    It's where I got my "BMFP" (aka Bobby Mutha Fuckin' Petrino) T-shirt, and my "Even Jesus Hates LSU" T-shirt. Good stuff.

    Glad we can talk football, Bowers. xo.

  2. I know! I really love that Razorcorn shirt on RCO! Can't believe I forgot 'em! Consider this an official amendment to this blog post.

  3. Ha! I think the "It's Better in Dogtown" shirt should become YOURS. (wink)

  4. I think you are absolutely right.
