Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ask Not ...

...What your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country. — John F. Kennedy

On the 50th anniversary of Pres. Kennedy's inauguration, we are keeping the volunteer spirit alive with a few suggestions for ways you can help out some community organizations.


In a perfect world all puppies would spend their days at photo shoots in flower fields. The Humane Society of Pulaski County is doing all they can to give their more than 200 dogs and cats food, clothing, shelter and medical care. If you have spare time they are always looking for animal lovers to spend some time walking the dogs and playing with them at the shelter's dog park. The easiest thing you can do to help is purchase a Humane Society Kroger gift card for $5. Load it with money and buy groceries, 5 percent automatically goes to the shelter. for more information.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arkansas works to "provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported 1-to-1 relationships that change their lives for the better, forever." Make an impact on a child that needs a positive adult role model by becoming a mentor. for more information.

Habitat For Humanity works build modest homes for low-income families in Arkansas. Donate household items to the ReStore, volunteer time to help build or money for supplies. for more information. Here is what your dollar can buy towards building a home:

$10 = Box of Nails
$35 = Shingles
$50 = Low Flow Toilet
$75 = Window
$100 = Kitchen Sink
$150 = Front Door
$500 = Siding
$1000 = Wallboard
$2000 = Flooring

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

For the Birds...

... all 5,000 of them. Whether it was due to fireworks, an alien spacecraft, a surplus of pellet guns sold or plain old wrath of God, thanks to the 'Aflockalypse' birds are so 'in' right now. Here are some of my favorite bird-themed finds.

Flock of bright, wool felt bird ornaments by Roost, at Box Turtle  

Love Nest Hand-Printed Letterpress Poster by Roll and Tumble Press on Etsy

Beebe = Death to Birds T-shirt by Rock City Outfitters/

Bird Mother's Necklace by Figs and Ginger at Box Turtle

Or, if you are crafty, grab some feathers, a barrette and a hot glue gun and DIY

Monday, January 3, 2011

For People Who Say Things Like "Hog Nation"

As a Razorback fan that is still trying to figure out when to scream "First Down" (I'm learning!), but loves the game just the same for its ability to provide a setting where overflowing drinks, pork-based foods and festive attire are not frowned upon, but required, I present a short list of my favorite spirit-inducing finds of the season. Go Hogs!

 "I Heart Arkansas" sweatshirt by Erin Lorenzen, at Box Turtle in Little Rock

Ribs, pork sandwich, BBQ nachos, potato salad ... anything from Whole Hog Cafe

 Razorback stamped necklaces by Robinson Lane Designs,

A growler full of delicious Razor Bock beer from Vino's in Little Rock

 Razorback Dominoes from Arkansas Flag and Banner are a half time necessity